Smashing Glass


Smashing Glass is provided by
which is a product of Smashing Promotions
All prices are in New Zealand Dollars and are inclusive of GST.

Shipping and Handling

All goods are carefully packed. Should the goods be damaged upon delivery, please contact us so that we may arrange replacement stock.

Shipping prices apply to mainland NZ only – we ship internationally by arrangement, please contact [email protected] to make an enquiry.


Is as stated on this site for delivery. All orders are tracked and an email will be sent to you when your order is shipped.

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You agree by registering on this website that you expressly consent to your inclusion in our direct marketing database and accept that you may, as a result, receive regular electronic communications and promotional communications from us. You have the right to ask us at any time to stop sending online communications and promotional offers to you by emailing us directly at [email protected] or by clicking unsubscribe on the bottom of the email.

Intellectual Property Rights.

All rights, title and interest in all Intellectual Property in all concepts, systems, written, graphic and other material relating to the Smashing Glass Website are owned by and shall at all times remain the exclusive property of Smashing Glass and is protected by New Zealand law.

Purchase terms.

When purchasing products on the website you confirm and acknowledge that:
All information supplied by you to us is true and correct at the time you make any purchase on the website.

Prices quoted on our website ( are inclusive of GST. You must pay us the full price quoted on the website at the time the order is submitted. Prices are given in New Zealand dollars. We reserve the right to vary our prices without notice. No adjustments are made if the price of a product increases or decreases between the time the order is submitted and the time the product is delivered.

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